
MVV(M) implements

MVVM Tutorial with ReactiveCocoa: Part 1/2 - Ray Wenderlichwww.raywenderlich.com ZZZViewController.h include view model header ZZZViewController.m ViewModel property is strong ZZZViewModel.h Properties should place in header because used f…

Objective-C modern coding style


property fields guideline

Objective-C のプロパティ属性のガイドライン - Qiitaqiita.com

MVVM in Objective-C ; summary, what is


Introduction to MVVM - Architecture - objc.io issue #13www.objc.io iOS Design Patternswww.raywenderlich.com


PostgreSQL 9.4.1 こんなテーブルから products name ---------------- cpu_heat mouse_cat keyboard_punch 以下順列テーブルを出す name | name ----------------+---------------- cpu_heat | cpu_heat cpu_heat | mouse_cat cpu_heat | keyboard_punch mo…

decimal (and numeric) - what is

what is decimal(p, s) p ... precision (式の桁数) p = 1 => 1 p = 2 => 10 p = 3 => 100 s ... scale (小数点以下の桁数) s = 1 => 0.1 s = 2 => 0.01 s = 3 => 0.001 PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: Data Types diff (decimal and numeric) (continue t…

int, int4 and integer - PostgreSQL

int and int4 are allies for integer official PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: Data Types unofficial SQL base types: integer vs int?stackoverflow.com

PostgreSQL - varchar and text

no difference varchar(n) and text official PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: Character Types unofficial PostgreSQL data type text vs varchar without lengthdba.stackexchange.com note: PostgreSQL: Don't Use CHAR or VARCHAR

database is 'set'


Visual Representation of SQL Joins - CodeProject

visual explanation of join


A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins

where to write private method in Objective-C

official P38 https://developer.apple.com/jp/documentation/ObjC.pdf unofficial Best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-Cstackoverflow.com