
return value of IN predicate ; sql


related to NOT IN ; sql - Red > Green > Refactor > Red snippet from reference >>-+-expression1--+-----+--IN--+-(--fullselect1--)---------+-+->< | '-NOT-' | .-,---------------. | | | | V | | | | +-(------expression2---+--)-+ | | '---express…

Data types concepts ; sql


snippet from reference 4 Concepts 4.1 Data types A data type is a set of representable values. The logical representation of a value is a <literal>. The physical representation of a value is implementation-dependent. A value is primitive in that it</literal>…

cardinality ; what is


snippet from reference The term cardinality actually has two different meanings depending on the context of it’s usage one meaning is in the context of data modeling and the other meaning is in the context of SQL statements. . . when the w…

EXISTS predicate ; sql


snippet from reference 8.8 <exists predicate> Function Specify a test for a non-empty set. Format <exists predicate> ::= EXISTS <table subquery> General Rules 1) Let T be the result of the <table subquery>. 2) If the cardinality of T is greater than 0, then the result of the <exists predicate> is tr…</exists></table></table></exists></exists>



solution to odd action at NOT IN (...only result) (avoid record If NULL is included) SELECT * FROM members; id | name | age | home ----+---------+-----+--------- 1 | takagi | 23 | tottori 2 | kinashi | 19 | tottori 3 | itano | 20 | osaka 4…

subview on main view(another view) by addSubView

非参考のお願い ... 内容不正確のため 非参考のお願い ... 内容不正確のため 非参考のお願い ... 内容不正確のため subview on main view will do Set components on Main.storyboard as you want Main.storyboard respond to TopViewController(.m | .h) Cr…

Exception handling

template @try { // process may include exception } @catch(NSException *e) { NSLog(@"Name: %@", [e name]); NSLog(@"Reason: %@", [e reason]); // append if any process exist } ex @try { SampleCustomViewController *viewController = [nib instan…